Many of you have questions about how to take care of our UV clothing. We will answer all your questions through this blog.
Question n°1 : How do I wash UV protective clothing purchased from Ker Sun?
Our clothes are machine washable, following the instructions on the care label. This will let you know, depending on the textile fiber, the maximum washing temperature that your garment can withstand, but also the appropriate program to avoid damage.
👉 The labels are present inside the garment.
Question n°2 : What do the washing symbols in the clothes mean?
On Care labels on your clothes , washing precautions are sometimes represented by symbols, in a specific order. There are instructions for washing, bleaching, drying, ironing and professional cleaning.
Here are their meanings below.👇
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Je me suis oriente vers vos vêtements suite a l exérèse d un mélanome invasif à la jambe qui est pour le moment resté localisé.
Je vis en outre mer 6 mois de l’année .je fais de la montagne en haute altitude beaucoup de sports de plein air Au bout de combien de temps ou de lavage la qualité anti uv disparait si il n y a pas note full life cycle sur l’étiquette
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