There are many medical conditions that require special vigilance when it comes to exposure to the sun. Ranging from the benign to the more serious, they can have a profound effect on people's daily lives. Here you can read the testimonies of some of them, who have decided to share their lives, their challenges and their solutions to make it better or less difficult.

The Sun Blog - Ker Sun Stories

Il vaut mieux prévenir que guérir

Testimony - Better safe than sorry

Read the story of Mélissa, who is very careful in the sun because of her hereditary background and particular skin sensitivity.

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Greffes du rein et du foie

Testimony - Kidney and liver transplants

Discover the story of Pascaline, twice transplanted, who is forced to protect herself from the sun.

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Mélanome et réadaptation

Testimony - Melanoma and rehabilitation

After discovering melanoma, Céline had to adapt to her new life hidden from the sun. Read her story.

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Syndrome d'activation mastocytaire

Testimony - Mast cell activation syndrome

Read Emilie's story of how heat and UV became unbearable for her as a result of mast cell activation syndrome.

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Sclérose et traitement laser vasculaire

Testimony - Sclerosis and vascular laser treatment

Read the story of Maria M., whose treatment means she can no longer expose herself to the sun as she used to.

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La résilience d'une jeune adulte atteinte d'un lupus et du syndrome de Gougerot Sjögren

Testimony - The resilience of a young adult with lupus and Gougerot Sjögren's syndrome

Constance, who was still a student when the disease broke out, tells us about her daily struggle, and conveys a message of hope and resilience.

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The themes